Hello Bob,
I've exactly done Bill's instruction, hitting "Alt-J", and "SPIN_STEP=15", and the field turned of 15 deg instead of 5 deg.
I verified this by displaying the Inversion menu: the rotation indicated "15".
Then I re-hitting Alt-J, then SPIN_STEP=5, and the field came back to a 5 deg rotation.
And so and...
----- Message d'origine -----
De : Bob Elliott
À :
Envoyé : mardi 9 mars 2004 22:26
Objet : Re: [guide-user] spin screen
At 12:08 2004-03-08 -0500, you wrote:
> You can reset the spin size to, say, 3.141 degrees, by hitting
>Alt-J and entering
Hi Bill.
I have tried this and even went to Guide dat and added the line there to no
avail. the CCD frame still moves in 5 degree increments. Was this
intended for something other than the CCD frame?
Bob Elliott
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