I like to watch asteroids and every one or two months I import the appropriate files offered by the MPC to always have exakt positions indicatet in the Guide charts. In doing so I have found some strange behaviour of Guide 7 this is not very useful and prevents me from enjoying asteroid watching totally:
After the import I found no comets in the menu Find / Comets, only bright asteroids. Importet the Soft02Cmt.txt again and again, restarted Guide, no change. Then after an hour, the Find / Comets menu shows 9 comets, not more, also some more asteroids. But not the huge quantity of comets present in the Soft02Cmt.txt file (inspected by use of a simple text editor).
What is going on there? What can I do so that I will always get all of the possible comets?
Then there is another strange thing:
nearly every of the bright asteroids are present in the charts twice (one with and the other without the asteroid number). The shown two postions differ from zero to 3 arcminutes. The labels are shown at one another. So it ist difficult, sometimes impossible, to see the position(s) and read the name of the asteroid.
This is due to the fact that I imported Soft02Bright.txt, Soft02CritList.txt, Soft02Distant.txt and Soft02Unusual.txt.
My questions are,
What can I do to see ALL of the comets in the find-comet menu at everytime when I want to?
What can I do to remove the dubble asteroids and to have left only the correct positions?
How shall I import what MPC-files to have an always correct data set in my Guide 7 application with all the comets and with only one set of asteroids with only the correct positions?
Hans G. Diederich
Hans G. Diederich
T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsgesellschaft mbH
Am Kavalleriesand 3, 64307 Darmstadt
Tel: (06151) 83-4010
Fax: (06151) 83-3103