[guide-user] Re: New function of Satellite Prediction

Jost Jahn Dec 8, 1999

Hallo Masaki, am 08.12.99 meintest Du in /guide-user

> I hope Guide can do as:
> (1) Make prediction of visible sattelites
> (2) Click on the TIME data of prediction
> (3) Guide set date & time to that TIME data, and redraw.

It would be wonderful, if Guide can do additional all things like http://
www.heavens-above.com (including the worldwide location source:-) as
predicting satellite charts of the sky and Iridium flares.

But because Guide can do so much other good and valuable things, I can
wait for this until Guide 9.0 :-)



Jost Jahn, Bodenteich, FAX: 0581-31165