Re: [guide-user] Re starting over

Laren Dart Feb 19, 2004

Hi Lawrence,

>The problem of re-installing Guide was fixed after I repeated the
>process of unticking and then re-ticking the options on 'install to HD'.
>First time round it simply ignored the request!

This happens to me almost every time I do a re-install of Guide. There are
two files I use from CD2, the hi-res lunar bitmap and the two million place
names. The place names file always take a lot of fiddling around before it
takes, the lunar file always installs on the first try. Don't know why this

Also, does anyone know if there's a way to remove and/or change the spacing
of the tick marks on the ecliptic? I use Guide primarily for historical
eclipses, and keep it set for ecliptic north up, using the epoch of date.
I'd like the ecliptic line in a different color so it stands out, but
without the ticks.

writing and photography