Re: [guide-user] XZ80Q catalog

Oliver Kloes Feb 12, 2004

Hi Masaki,

I have tried the links
just a minute ago and it's working. You will get there on the document
"XZ80Q Release Notes" and at the end of this document you'll find another
which starts the download of the zipped catalogue.
I used this zip-file for creating the TDF and Bill used this file for his

I don't know, why the data from Strasbourg dosen't work with the sorter.
Have they changed something in the catalogue data? Maybe at the zip-file
above too?


> Hi Bill.
> My Guide friend found some strange stars of XZ80P and XZ94F catalog
> on Guide with their .tdf files.
> Then we knew it's a bug of these catalog, and we knew new catalog -
> XZ80Q is available since last autumn, and remenbered it was on the
> "Guide extras" page.
> But there are 2 problems.
> 1. XZ80Q catalog is NOT on the link of
> ( ) .
> I downloaded "xz80q.dat.gz" file from VizieR.
> 2. The "sorter.exe" in "" downloaded from "extras.htm" does not
> work good
> for my downloaded "xz80q.dat" file.
> I sorted that dat file myself, and deleted some hindrance lines.
> Now we can use XZ80Q dat file with your XZ80Q.TDF file.
> Please check them, and update.
> And for Guide users who want to use XZ80Q soon.
> You can download my "xz80q_s.dat with xz80q.tdf" file from
> Download "xz80q.lzh" (sorry. It's not zip file ), then un-lha to use.
> Masaki Kouda, Japan