Re: [guide-user] real stars and many catalogs

Andrea Pelloni Feb 9, 2004

Bill, absolutely I'm sure it's a "not-so-easy-to-do" project.
But I think (even if I would like to read the opinion of other GUIDE8 using
people), that the target is important and worthwhile.
Naturally it's your decision that counts, but, please, take in account the
Meanwhile, I invite the other people interested (or NOT interested) in such
a change to send a message on the subject.
Thank you for your kindness, Bill.

By soon


At 00.02 09/02/2004, you wrote:
>Hi Andrea,
> What you propose is essentially what I'm talking about, in
>the sense of detecting catalog overlap (that is, one star
>referenced in many catalogs). Guide currently detects overlap
>between Tycho-2 and GSC-ACT. It can do that because the catalogs
>are explicitly matched by number, which makes matters much
>simpler. Guide just shows Tycho-2 stars, keeping track of
>which ones are on-screen. When it comes across a GSC-ACT star
>with the same number, it says, "We already drew this one,
>using better Tycho-2 data."
> This could be extended to other catalogs, drawn in order
>of quality (probably Tycho-2, UCAC-2, A2.0, GSC-ACT). For
>the last three catalogs, Guide would say: "We just drew a
>star within, say, one arcsecond of the position from this
>new catalog. It's probably a repeat."
> I can't say that it's a no-brainer, but yes, it's possible.
>-- Bill
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Andrea Pelloni
RHP SpaceGuard Team
157 Frasso Sabino Observatory
Organizers of MACE 2004

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