Andrea Pelloni Feb 9, 2004
>Hi Andrea,Andrea Pelloni
> What you propose is essentially what I'm talking about, in
>the sense of detecting catalog overlap (that is, one star
>referenced in many catalogs). Guide currently detects overlap
>between Tycho-2 and GSC-ACT. It can do that because the catalogs
>are explicitly matched by number, which makes matters much
>simpler. Guide just shows Tycho-2 stars, keeping track of
>which ones are on-screen. When it comes across a GSC-ACT star
>with the same number, it says, "We already drew this one,
>using better Tycho-2 data."
> This could be extended to other catalogs, drawn in order
>of quality (probably Tycho-2, UCAC-2, A2.0, GSC-ACT). For
>the last three catalogs, Guide would say: "We just drew a
>star within, say, one arcsecond of the position from this
>new catalog. It's probably a repeat."
> I can't say that it's a no-brainer, but yes, it's possible.
>-- Bill
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