Hi there,
Not certain if my advice is of any use to you, but these are things to
(1) Are asteroids turned on in Display Data?
(2) Is the mag limit set right in this display? Sometimes it's possible
that the mag limit is to low or maybe fixed.
The asteroid data is stored in
Hope that helps
Best Regards
In message <
402640A7.F57F7247@...>, Jean-François Coliac
jfcoliac@...> writes
> Hello all,
> I used Guide 8 to display asteroids but only one appeared ( it is
> with
> the comets in comets.dat ).
> I searched for the original file of asteroids by opening the files
> with
> the notepad but I did not find it (in fact I do not know its name).
> Does anyone has an idea of its name and its directory ?
> Thanks
> Ckear skies
Alan Cahill
Abbeydale Observatory,
Gloucester U.K.
MPC Code J94