Re: [guide-user] real stars and many catalogs

Andrea Pelloni Feb 6, 2004

I agree with you, Alex, the idea of different colours is interesting.
Let me make an example.
The UCAC-2 stars are shown with their symbol (changeable at will, if you
wish), but this has a little problem: when you go to higher levels the star
dots become bigger, so that at a certain point, if the symbol is small, the
star dot covers it, and I don't recognize what is the UCAC-2 star. On the
contrary, if the symbol is big enough to be seen at e.g. level 10, at lower
levels the symbol become enormous, covering other stars and generating even
more confusion.
A color star code may be the solution.
Bill, is it possible?
By and thank you.


At 13.14 06/02/2004, you wrote:
>Each star catalog has its own accuracy. While using many catalogs in
>Guide it's difficult to distingush the real stars from its ghost from
>others catalogs. What's the best way to do so? May be it's possibly
>to show all stars from one catalog with fixed color?
>Ciao, Alex

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Andrea Pelloni
RHP SpaceGuard Team
157 Frasso Sabino Observatory
Organizers of MACE 2004

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