Re: [guide-user] Digest Number 949

Greg Roberts Jan 19, 2004


Ive received the same message several times in the past and have
always re-activated although it hasnt been obvious to me that I
have missed any messages- I subscribe to several yahoo groups

> Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 06:06:36 -0000
> From: "tab00ma" <astro@...>
> Subject: yahoo_group bounced mail ?

> as I received an *odd* email from yahoo groups advising me that
> recent mail to me bounced back to yahoo. the message gave me an
> option to simply reply to the message to reopen sending, or to click
> to link(s). since it seemed at least possible that the message was
> boggus, I replied rather than clicking to any unknown links. as for
> yahoo_groups, I belong to one other in addition to Guide and was not
> aware that I was not getting any group email. I get guide_list
> digest, about 1 every day or 2 and the last I received was digest no.
> 948 dated 17jan. so should the yahoo confirmation message concern
> me? was it legit, if boggus how harmed by replying? if legit, why
> were messages bouncing?? I had (have) a similar problem past week
> with non_yahoo group run by smartgroups (freeserve) on a server in
> UK. apparently that group or entire server is listed on spamcop and
> my ISP mailserver started blocking that mail. I have the yahoo
> message and header if this is an issue. or should I just forget
> about it?

I have also been to the Yahoo site to see what messages have been
bouncing and the impression I formed was that the messages were
not bogus, however I would be very interested to learn if I am wrong!

Im not sure where the mail is rejected - I queried my server about it
and they said it occurred before it got to them and they had not rejected
any mail.

Hope this helps