yahoo_group bounced mail ?
tab00ma Jan 17, 2004
sending this from web login rather than from my normal pop3 account
as I received an *odd* email from yahoo groups advising me that
recent mail to me bounced back to yahoo. the message gave me an
option to simply reply to the message to reopen sending, or to click
to link(s). since it seemed at least possible that the message was
boggus, I replied rather than clicking to any unknown links. as for
yahoo_groups, I belong to one other in addition to Guide and was not
aware that I was not getting any group email. I get guide_list
digest, about 1 every day or 2 and the last I received was digest no.
948 dated 17jan. so should the yahoo confirmation message concern
me? was it legit, if boggus how harmed by replying? if legit, why
were messages bouncing?? I had (have) a similar problem past week
with non_yahoo group run by smartgroups (freeserve) on a server in
UK. apparently that group or entire server is listed on spamcop and
my ISP mailserver started blocking that mail. I have the yahoo
message and header if this is an issue. or should I just forget
about it?