Re: ascom for GUIDE?

Bernard Heathcote Jan 3, 2004

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand the comments about
the lack of a scope pad in an ASCOM system. I have an ASCOM system,
using the Generic LX200 driver, and at least three of the software
components used (ACP, Maxim DL, POTH)have a basic scope control
(nudge) pad. When Guide does become ASCOM compliant (I'm confident
Bill will do this for us) I can't see any reason why it won't retain
its existing control pad.

While I use SkyMap Pro and CDC with ASCOM I still need to switch back
to Guide8 for the real accurate nitty-gritty stuff, which is a real
pain as it means disconnecting ASCOM from the scope which then
disconnects my (ASCOM) automatic dome tracking system :-(
ASCOM for Guide certainly gets my vote ... the sooner the better


-- In, "ssb73q" <ssb73q@r...> wrote:
> Hi Steve, be careful of what you wish for. Starry Night uses ASCOM
> for scope drivers. Yes, that includes a generic LX-200 scope driver
> that is compatible with my WinCTC goto controller. HOWEVER, the
> generic LX-200 interface doesn't support a scope pad. That makes
> Starry Night useless for any practical telescope work. I need that
> Guide scope pad for precise positioning of my scope. ECU also has a
> nice scope pad, but that's not ASCOM either.
> Be careful about what you wish for.