Re: [guide-user] Display only selected Comet

Bill J Gray Dec 30, 2003

Hi David,

The only way (at present) to do that sort of thing is to edit
the comet data to give it an unreasonably low value of the absolute
magnitude value, H (that is, make it really bright) so that Guide
thinks the object is the brightest comet in the sky. Then set the
magnitude limit for comets to some passably bright level, one that
allows only this comet to be shown.

I've sometimes just subtracted 10 or 20 from H. That makes it
slightly easier to restore the "real" value when I wish to do so.

Incidentally, use of the line of variations function can be
handy for this sort of recovery problem (unless the object is _really_
seriously lost, in which case you'll have a tough time finding it
anyway!) For details on this, take a look at page 51 of the manual,
near the bottom of the page.

-- Bill