2 suggestions for improvement

b48doher Dec 30, 2003

Hello Bill,

when I generate an ephemery for really fast moving objects (like
2003YH111 yesterday) there is no space left between the azimuth and
speed column. Is it possible to enlarge the width of the speed column
by 1 or better 2 characters?

The second suggestion is more complicated to realize and I think it
was asked before: it would be nice if one could do an animation not
only locked on the four entries possible now (RA/dec, moving, horizon,
prop motion) but also on a constant height of the sun. This means that
the time interval varies around 1 day (getting longer in summer and
autumn and shorter in winter and spring).

This would be very valuable for my cometary work, to see how it is
nearing the horizon at the end of nautical twilight or so.

Thanks in advance and clear skies
Sternwarte Herne (A18)