Re: [guide-user] goto previous screen?

bertrand Laville Dec 25, 2003

Hi All,
Hi Bill and Guliano,

Many thanks for you two.
For Guliano, to have scketched these nice bitmap icons,
For Bill, to have displayed them in Guide, but also, to have told everybody that the tollbar was customizable through the Toolbar.dat file, a feature I've personally never paided attention.
Merry Chrismas, and happy new for all Guide users.

----- Message d'origine -----
De : Bill J Gray
À :
Envoyé : jeudi 25 décembre 2003 01:42
Objet : Re: [guide-user] goto previous screen?

Hi Bertrand,

Going back two weeks (!)... you posted the following comments about
the odd bitmaps for two new functions:

Concerning the "lagged" icons, may I suggest two simple "remembering
scketches" :
- to replace the "3" icon for the scope location indicator by a circle
with four "wings", identical to the screen indicator,
- to replace the "4" icon for the undo function by a curved arrow
pointing to the left, as usual in Windows mode.

If you visit , you will see
suitable buttons for these functions, provided by Guiliano Pinto. You'll
also see some comments about how to get Guide to look for those buttons.

-- Bill

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