Re: [guide-user] Two niggles
Bill J Gray Dec 18, 2003
Hi Lawrence,
For the first one: go into the Animation dialog, and turn on "real time".
Guide will ask for an update frequency. Normally, one might ask Guide to
update the display every few seconds, if tracking a fast-moving object such
as an artificial satellite. In the case you describe of tracking an asteroid,
selecting an update frequency of thousands of seconds ought to be just fine.
Also, for your purposes, it's important to be sure that the "Proper Motion"
radio button is selected in the Animation dialog. Otherwise, Guide would
both update the date/time _and_ recenter on (say) a moving object, or (in
"Horizon" mode) stay locked onto a particular alt/az, with stars drifting by.
Others may have good use for those behaviors, but I don't think it fits in
well with what you're doing.
No idea on the "double drawing"... if you do spot some sort of pattern in
the behavior, that would help a great deal. In some cases, it could happen
if you have part of the Guide chart covered by another program's window.
When that window is closed, or minimized, or otherwise uncovers part of
the Guide chart, it'll force a redraw. Depending on some video settings,
this can happen when you right-click on an object and then click "OK".
Windows may decide that Guide ought to redraw the area that was covered
by the dialog box. (Or it may store that area in memory, and restore it
when the dialog is closed. The behavior can vary a lot!)
-- Bill