Hi Masaki and other Guide users!
First a small intruduction: I live in Helsinki, Finland, and I've been
a Guide fan since version one quite a few years and features back.
I think that the problem you described has been corrected and the web
site now gives a zip file with the correct content. However, I haven't
been successful in downloading images (tried twice) but can't really
say why - perhaps the server is busy and couldn't fulfill the request
or then there's a problem in the implementation. What I'd like to have
is messages with the status of the request, like line speed, download
time and in and out going bytes. Bill?
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being
a damn fool about it. - W. C. Fields
"masaki kouda" <
fp6m-ku-@...> wrote:
original article:
http://www.egroups.com/group/guide-user/?start=3 > Hello.
> I'm Japanese GUIDE user. I'm enjoying GUIDE software from version 5.
> I downloaded new version updated on 18 Nov. Ant I downloaded
> to do new feature to get DSS images via internet.
> But new downloaded 'realsky.zip' looks old, and NOT add new feature.
> Did somebody scceed in new feature ?
Masaki Kouda
> @Japan