[guide-user] charon and MX5-C ccd

Jan van Gijsen Feb 23, 2000

Hello Bill and all guiders,

Using charon with images (in .FIT files from the autosave function) from
the starligth express MX5-C camera gives wrong/strange results.
Is one of you succesfully using this combination, or does charon doesn't
support this filetype. I get the full screen charon, as with the
exercise pictures from the CD, but before showing this I see that the
pixelsize = 3.70" * 4.34" and the actual one is 1.54" * 1.98".
The calculated focallength is quite accurate.
I just downloaded charon this weekend and could do something wrong.
Who knows?

Clear skies

Note: Bill, you ask for "strange" format images in the Charon page from
project Pluto. If charon doesn't work with MX5-C format FITs do you
already have some? I can send you a couple if you like.