Re: [guide-user] Strange green (non-)stars?

Kevin Cooper Dec 5, 2003

These are from the GSC (guide star catalogue) which is taken from
Schmidt photographic plates and may be stars or plate defects.. The
star, non star numbers give the probability of what they are. If you
don't want them to show, click Display at the top of the screen, click
Star Display and in the bottom left is a box named Non-stars. Remove the
tick in the box.

Kevin Cooper

Truman Kohman wrote:

>Guide Users,
> A strange problem with Guide 8. Whenever the star magnitude limit is set
>at 11.0 or fainter, there are a lot of green star-like images in the star
>fields. Right-clicking on one gives a magnitude (approximately
>corresponding to the image size), followed by "star:0 non-star:1 (or 2)",
>then followed by a GSC number. There is a vertical evenly-spaced string of
>them at RA 02:16 and declination -20 to -23. Setting the magnitude limit
>to 10.9 or brighter causes all of them to disappear.
> Can anyone exlain this and provide a fix?
> Truman
>Truman P. Kohman, Departments of Chemistry and Physics
>Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
>Phone: 412/279-6056 Fax(CMU): 412/681-0648 Internet:
>tk11@... (best for correspondence, ASCII documents),
>tpkohman@... (best for images, coded attachments, etc.)
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