Bug of eclipse function
Masaki Kouda Nov 25, 2003
Hi Bill.
I simulated last Solar Eclipse on Antarctica, then I found bug of Guide.
I set location at E93.0:S67.0 , and set time at 23 Nov 2003 21:30(UT).
Set the Sun at screen center and lock it.
Set animation step at 1min, then start animation.
The Moon moves to the Sun slowly, slowly, and occulting the Sun ...
But the time at 22:34(UT) the Moon disappear, and then Sun back to
Full circle surface.
At the time 22:39(UT), Sun disappear, and Colona fueature appear.
I already know Guide can display Solar Colona, but this animation tells
this funtion is not right.
Same problem happen for Galilean satellite's occultations.
Foe example, on 3 May 2003 11:53(UT) Gamimede's shadow project on the Io.
I set location at Io's geocenteric center to see Solar eclipse by Ganimede.
On the Io, Sun's diameter is 5.9', and Ganimede is 13.6'.
I start animation from 11:05(UT), centering the Sun.
At 11:10 Ganimede disappear befor occult the Sun.
At 11:12 the Sun disappear suddernly, and colona appear.
At 11:15 Ganimede appear at the side of the Sun.
I hope Bill success to fix this problem.
Masaki Kouda@Japan