paul Nov 24, 2003

Guide works GREAT with sats, it tracks them with
to accuracy of better than 0.1 s and 1 arcmin.
you could have an old epoch elset for ISS,
or maybe something in the program time was set
either not for current time or has not compensated for
shift to standard time. if you email me in private,
I'll try to help you work out the kinks.

Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 01:50:33 -0600
From: "Jim & Donna Opalek" <opalekj@...>
Subject: Re: ISS

Last night as I was working on my Messier binocular list, I inadvertantly caught the ISS coming out of the Southwest shortly before 6 PM CST (near Nashville, TN). I followed it as it slid south of Vega, through Draco and just north of Polaris before it began to fade and finally disappeard in the northeast. When I tried to duplicate this with Guide, it shows the ISS (if I have the right satellite) at -84 degrees Altitude and at an Azimuth of 117 degrees. Can anyone tell me what I may be doing wrong?