Bill, I followed your information on the subject, that was:
Hi Andrea,
One can already "go to" a Landolt star; there's a "Landolt
photometric standards" user-added dataset built into Guide.
Select this in "Go To... Go To .TDF object", and you should
be able to enter such identifiers.
That doesn't get you to generic Landolt fields. For that,
I'd need a list of such fields; these might then be shown
themselves as a user-added dataset, as rectangles covering
the appropriate regions. And you could then "Go to .TDF
object" for them as well.
-- Bill
and here are the results:
while under WIN98 I see the 4 regions with the Landolt stars, under WIN XP
I have nothing, I mean neither regions, nor links under "GO to .tdf object"
and "Toggle user datasets".
Due to the fact that WIN XP is giving problems to many astronomy softwares,
could it be the same for GUIDE8?
Moreover I sent you the file addresses of all the Landolt Fields, but I
don't think you have received them, so here are the addresses:
ASCII file of the Landolf Fields:
The same file in different formats:
Thank you as usual for your help.
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