Re: [guide-user] AV Peg
Bill J Gray Nov 13, 2003
Hi Jerry,
The problem here is that Guide "finds" the location of AV Peg
using the GCVS (General Catalogue of Variable Stars). The positions
in this catalogue have undergone tremendous improvement in recent
years, but many are still not as good as they ought to be. In
this case, GCVS indicates a position about 1.3 arcminutes away
from the actual star.
In a case such as this, where the star varies from mag 10.9 to
9.9, you would normally expect that the star would appear both as
a "normal" variable star, and from the GSC or Tycho-2 data, as
almost-overlapping objects. It doesn't, which is a strong clue
that the GCVS location is off.
Most of these weirdnesses are being corrected, slowly. An update
to the GCVS came out a few months ago, and it looks as if AV Peg
is now where it should be. (Which means that in any future version
of Guide, this error and others will be fixed.)
-- Bill