Re: [guide-user] MyCn18 -- The Hourglass Nebula

Bill J Gray Nov 9, 2003

Hi Laurent,

Hmmm... you're right about this one; it should be accessible
as MyCn 18 in "Go To... Planetary... PK" (which it is), and as
the common-name object "Hourglass Nebula". I've revised
'common.hee' and 'common.hei' (Italian-language version of
that file) to reflect this. Those wishing to use these files
can download them from

The latter now has the "Hourglass" and the "Nebulosa Hourglass".
The English-ized Italian (or Italianized English) will probably
last only briefly, until Giuliano Pinto, the gent who handles
the Italian files in Guide, corrects me!

Incidentally, a follow-up to the discussion on Hermes: this
object is now known to the world not just by the name Hermes,
nor by the preliminary designation 1937 UB, but also by the
permanent number (69230). So if you download the MPC's
"Unusual/NEO Minor Planets" file, Hermes will be listed
correctly in Guide, and you will be able to use "Go To...
Object" or "Go To... Asteroid", enter the name "Hermes",
and Guide will find it.

-- Bill