Re: [guide-user] MyCn18 -- The Hourglass Nebula

Laurent Zimmermann Nov 8, 2003

Hi Bill, Hi Robert,

I expected to reach it from Go to... Nebula... Common name, but it is not
listed there. Wouldn't it be the easiest way ? I tried to edit the files
COMMON.HE* to insert the following lines into the alphabetical order:

^Hourglass //gr270.9500,-24.3833^ Sgr 18 03 48.0 -24 23 00
Central part of Lagoon nebula (NGC 6523 = M 8)
^Hourglass nebula //gr204.8917,-67.3794^ Mus 13 39 34.0 -67 22 46
PK 307.5-04.9, MyCn 18

and that worked fine. Perhaps an updated version of COMMON.HE* could be
joined with the next update of Guide ?


Laurent Zimmermann

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill J Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] MyCn18 -- The Hourglass Nebula

> Hi Robert,
> Use: Go To... Nebula... PK (Strasbourg). Then enter MyCn 18.
> (Alternatively, enter the "real" PK identifier, 307.5-04.9.)
> This is definitely not an obvious thing to do. I'd like to
> have a Go To... Nebula... Planetary function that would bring up
> a list similar to that for, say, globular clusters and nearby
> stars. (Except that it would be a lot bigger.)