GUIDE and SkyCommander

Thomas Pfleger Nov 4, 2003

Hi together,

since a few weeks I use a Sky Commander and tried to connect it with
GUIDE. With TheSky and SkyMap Pro it works - requiring baud rates of
300 and 2400 in the latter case. GUIDE can't establish a connection
to the Sky Commander and the only setting I found is that for the COM
port number (and encoder resolution, but that's not important right
now). I use an USB -> RS232 adapter on a notebook and turned *OFF*
16550 buffering. The settings are 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity -
just ordinary, nothing exotic.

Is there any way to set the baud rate GUIDE uses or does anybody have
hints for me to make it work? That would be great as my most
important aim is to upload user object lists to the Sky Commander.

Kind regards,