Hi folks,
John Greaves kindly pointed out a database at
which, with a bit of work, could be put into the form needed to test
the new functions in Guide. So I'm all set now.
People wondering what the heck I'm trying to do here can see an example
image, based on data from the above site:
http://home.gwi.net/~pluto/meteors.png (about 38 KBytes)
These are meteors observed in November 1999 (mostly Leonids) with
a video camera. They're shown in Guide as a user-added dataset, so
you can click on each meteor to find out when it was imaged and how
bright it was and so forth. The display is limited to meteors brighter
than mag 0.6; a _lot_ of fainter objects were seen. (The only really
"new" feature is that Guide can look at files containing two RA/dec
positions per line, and connect the starting points to the ending
-- Bill