Meteor trail data?

Bill J Gray Oct 31 11:11 AM

Hi folks,

A bit of a long shot, but I thought I'd ask...

I've just had an inquiry from a gent who would like to have
Guide display data from meteor observations. He would get data
from a videocamera, measuring the RA/dec locations of the ends
of each meteor trail. The result would be stored in a file,
and would then be shown as a set of on-screen lines in Guide
on top of the star chart.

I've made a small revision to Guide that ought to let it display
such a file, as a "user-added dataset". But he's not yet generated
"example" data. If anyone has created a dataset of meteor observations,
or knows where one can be found that gives coordinates of both ends
of the meteor streaks, could you please let me know?

Thanks! -- Bill