Re: Scope control, coordinate systems

Ben Davies Oct 16 6:20 PM

> If, in the RA/Dec Format box, you had selected the "epoch
> of date" option, then all the RA/Decs would resemble the one
> sent to the scope. But epoch of date and J2000 disagree now
> by a couple of arcminutes, as you found.


Yes! It is as you say. My screen actually reads "epoch of d". Not
that I would have figured it out anyway. Thanks.

But, if I choose 'epcoh of d' and then try to use the menu option
GOTO | coordinates Enter RA/Dec, the dialog box lists the epoch as
D2000.0 and refuses to go there - "Not a valid epoch".

How can I move Guide to a particular input set of coordinates and see
how they relate to a star's actual position today?
