Re: Scope control, coordinate systems

Ben Davies Oct 16 11:17 AM

Guide sends coordinates of date to the telescope, since that's what
an LX-200 requires.

Hi Bill,

That is what I would have expected, but I am seeing something

GO TO | VEGA gives center of screen 18:36:56.331 / N38:47:1.178
and Vega is located at 18:36:56.390 /38:47:2.35

Center on Vega and command 'Slew telescope' sends 18:37:05 / 38:47:14
to the telescope.

That's a difference of a little over 2 arcminutes in RA. I agree
that is's not much difference, I'm just wanting to understand how
things work.

Oh and thanks to everyone who came up with help on this.
