Re: Telescope control: Meade Magellan II

jlummel Oct 14 3:38 PM

Well, I hate answering my own posts but I finally found the
information on the Magellan II in one of the progam update notes
from Guide 7 that confirms the info in the FAQ (though at a
different baud rate). The information should be updated in the FAQ,
since a lot has changed since the entry was written (I, for one, can
verfy that the LX200 entry works as modified - but you have to set
to 300 NOT 2400).

I noticed that there is an entry for the Magellan I in the scope
menu, wouldn't it be simpler to have Magellan II support also under
that entry instead of LX200 since the two Megallan units operate
identically as DSCs, except for baud rates?

Now for my second question, is it possible to have Guide
automatically follow the telescope as you move it around?

