James Ellis Feb 20, 2000
>Hi folks,The eclipse chaser's mantra
> Regarding 'missing features': yes, you _do_ need to have the
>check-box set for 'show features' in the Options dialog. Another item
>to check was mentioned several messages ago (far enough back that many may
>have forgotten, given how busy this list has been lately), when people
>asked why Alt-. and Alt-; weren't working. I'll plagiarize myself:
> ---------- Start of clip ----------
> "...What I'd not realized is that it's common for the initial
>[planetary] feature density to be zero. In that case, hitting Alt-.
>enough times just adds 50% to zero. (Sound of head banging into wall)
> Until I post an update, the 'workaround' is to edit our old pal,
>STARTUP.MAR, and find this line:
>79 pl contr 50 214 0
> Change that '0' at the end to '60'. That's a good starting value for
>the density of planet features. And after that, too, you'll be able to
>hit Alt-. and Alt-; and add and subtract 50% from a non-zero value."
> ---------- End of clip ----------
>-- Bill
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