Re: [guide-user] Leading zeros in time setting?

Laren Dart Oct 9 6:27 AM

Hi Oliver,

At 02:22 PM 10/9/03 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Larry and Bernd,
>I just remembering that this was a topic before. So I search my mail folder
>and found a mail by Bill from June 21. this year:
>... the "leading zeroes" only works for
>coordinates, and the amount of control over the time format
>is minimal. While I do have plans to address this:

Thank you, Oliver, that must be what I remembered. Maybe Bill will fix it.
I was once told by a programmer that some things look simple to a user but
are hard to program, and some things look hard but are easy to do. I'm sure
Bill runs into that a lot.

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