Re: Proper motion/clipboard

Bill J Gray Oct 5 11:50 AM

Hi Ben,

There are a couple of ways of doing what you're looking for.

You can click on a star, then ask for "more info". You'll
see the coordinates given in assorted forms, including "current
position corrected for proper motion". As Laurent suggests,
clicking on "Edit" will get the whole thing into Notepad,
from which you can print, cut and paste, etc.

Or you can use Laurent's method, with "Create Star List".

Also: every time you click on an object, Guide creates a
"showpick.txt" file. The first two lines give the RA/dec of
the location on which you clicked; for your purposes, ignore
these. The next two lines give the RA/dec of the actual
object; that's what you want.

Following these four lines is the actual text shown in that
first "click-on-object" dialog box.

-- Bill