darioanderle Sep 30, 2003
Dear Bill,
I have checked if the data files of dexxx, after the improvements in
guide8, is working properly.
The answer is yes and not.
Yes for the recent times and not for the historical times.
As you know the validity of the following files is:
Name file: unix.200
Dimension: 55 Mb
Validity from 12/9/1599 to 3/31/2169
Includes nutations but not librations
Name file: unix.405
Dimension: 62 Mb
Validity from 12/9/1599 to 2/20/2201
Includes both nutations and librations
Name file: unix.406
Dimension: 199 Mb
Validity from 2/23/-3000 to 5/6/3000
Includes neither nutations nor librations
These info are reported in the header of the file
So Guide8 after have a look in guide.dat to the JPL_EPH=
c:\ephe\ have to read the header and select the range of
validity and the quality of the data
Ciao Dario