find_orb | g8 manual ok here
paul Sep 27, 2003
briefly, I was VERY happy to find that yes I could
produce "world_class" asteroid star occultations using
Bill's find_orb and dumping the find_orb results into
Guide, and if you make a mistake (like I did on first
try) it is easily undone, and corrected) EXCELLENT !!!
I was telling someone somewhere the other day
that I had misplaced my manual...
I have MS IE 6 and full adobde acrobat (if that
matters) and link opened the manual in very short
order and saved the pdf version to my hdd with
a click.
but content related, it seems many features or topics
are on web pages, that are not in the manual, and I'm
not suggesting that all the web content should be dumped
into the manual, but (& here I'm assuming the manual does
not do this based on previous looks) but links from the
manual to web info might be nice, or web_link_glossary at
the end of the manual, eg, with key word asteroid and
a URL listing of all Bill's web content referencing
asteroids. (or maybe that's a huge project when I guess
you can search Bill's web site)...