[guide-user] Scripts

Andre Germain Feb 19, 2000


I was about to commence a scripting feature to my scope driver so
I could set up a nights worth of automated CCD imaging. But the
database I have in my s/w is far short of Guide. Any chance you'd
have scripting in Guide one day?

It would have to include commands like snap a picture of so many
seconds in this or that mode, oh and by the way, tell me when
you've finished the frame and saved it to disk, wherever that may
be, now slew here, are you there yet?...

I am not certain how many guiders would like such a thing,
but it should be relatively easy to implement, particularly if it
is picked up from a file. Whether this would go hand in hand with
other's request for Web remote operation is also another matter
you could address for us here?

P.S: Your updates are fabulous, keep up the outstanding work.
I'd hire you on the spot if you came for an interview at
CAE Electronics Ltd in Montreal, where we build flight simulators