Re: [guide-user] New Guide 8 manual

E. Edens Sep 26, 2003

With Bill G Internet Explorer and Adobe Acrobat 6.0 just clicking the url
at once gives me the desired 82 pages.
There must be something wrong with your browser... or it has already been

At 10:06 26-09-03 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Bill,
>I can log onto the site okay, but get nothing but a blank page. When I
>tried "swimming upstream" to .../~pluto I get what appears to be an
>unfinished page for info on, and d/l of, Moonview. Me or the site? Been
>looking forward to an updated manual, thanks, Walt.
>At 11:02 AM 9/26/03 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hi folks,
> >
> > Walt Bodley has kindly provided a Guide 8 manual in PDF
> >format, which I've posted at
> >
> ><>
> ual.pdf
> >-- Bill
>writing and photography
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