Re: [guide-user] Editing captions

Laren Dart Sep 21, 2003

At 04:54 PM 9/21/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Larry,
> Hmmm... you've got a point: better editing capabilities
>wouldn't be a bad idea here. Best I can suggest right away
>is to do as you thought: edit 'em where they're saved, which
>is in 'startup.mar'. Look in that file, and (if you've got
>some caption text already created) you'll see lines such as
>36 caption This is the first line of the caption.
>36 caption Here's another caption line.
>36 caption The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
> You can then add/remove/modify such lines to get the caption
>you want.
>-- Bill

Thanks Bill,

I figured it would be something like that, but I learned the hard way not
to go mucking around Guide's files until I know _exactly_ what to do. In
toolbar.dat, I once put the lines for the buttons I wanted at the top of
the file, in exactly the order I wanted them in the toolbar, then very
carefully left two blank lines to separate them from the rest of the file.
Worked fine, until I noticed I had 3 icons for the center cross-hair, with
the 2nd and 3rd being dead buttons. Puts me in mind of a newsgroup sig tag
I saw, "I'm not really a failure, I'm very successful at finding things
that don't work."

Incidentally, I had trouble entering Delta-T in the caption and getting it
to show the actual dT. Finally discovered it is case-sensitive. Is this
true in general for Guide?

Thanks again, Bill.

writing and photography