[guide-user] Re: Moon features

James Ellis Feb 19, 2000

I also cannot get any names to appear on planets and the moon. I d/loaded
the planets.zip and hotkey.dat file.
Does it have something to do with the display - options dialogue box - show
features/label features (checked or unchecked?).

Cheers all


PS any one out there in Australia know where to get good steppers. These
electronics places don't have the word help in their dictionaires.

At 13:26 19-02-00 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Guide'rs
>I still can not get names on lunar features shown. I have the planet10.gaz
file but nothing happens when I right-click on a Lunar feature.
>Any suggestions?
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James Ellis
Sydney, Australia
Architectural Draughtsperson and Amateur Astronomer