Kevin Cooper Sep 5, 2003
>Hi Kevin,--
> Hmmm... a couple of things are going on here.
> The old message on the Schiaparelli map (#3067) is right about
>_that_ map being bitmap #2. It's the more recent ALPO/D. Avigliano
>map which is bitmap #4. By renaming it from 'planew04.qwe' to
>'planet04.qwe', you moved it from #4 to #1.
> I'd briefly forgotten that before the current update, Guide only
>supported three bitmaps. So it would ignore a 'planew' file.
>That's why you had to do that renaming stunt; the current
>update would spot the file and enable the "bitmap #4" option.
>Thanks for pointing this out.
> (The naming scheme for .qwe files is a little weird. I started out
>with the possibility of a planet00.qwe for the sun, planet01.qwe
>for Mercury, and so on. When I came up with alternate bitmaps,
>I decided these would be planeu##, planev##, ... planez##.
>The numbering continues past 9=Pluto to 10=the Moon, 11=Io,
>12=Europa, and so on for every natural satellite in the solar
>system. When four different maps exist for, say, Himalia,
>Guide will be able to switch among them.)
>-- Bill
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