Hi Kevin,
I'm assuming you're asking about the Schiaparelli map (the sepia-toned
one with labelled features)? This is described, and a link provided, at
Your comment reminded me that I ought to mention yet another Mars
map for Guide. This one comes from the ALPO Mars map for the 1956
opposition, compiled by D. P. Avigliano from 1954 observations,
complete with intricate web of "canals". (This can be seen in
"miniature" form on page 32 of the June 2003 _Sky & Telescope_, in
full form on pages 502 and 503 of the September 1956 issue, and
also appeared in the _Strolling Astronomer_.) If you download
and unZIP this file (about 257 KBytes)
in your Guide directory, and fire up Guide and right-click on
Mars, then on "Display... Options", you'll see that a "Bitmap #4"
radio button has been added to that dialog. Select that, and Guide
will switch to this new map.
-- Bill