Hi Antonio,
"...I don't know if any one as tried to run two simultaneous processes
in separated windows, directories and installations?"
One needn't go to that extreme. To create this image:
I simply started up Guide three times, all from the same directory
and install, creating three different Guide windows. I resized them
to fit next to one another, and zoomed in Mars in each case:
once for a very wide-field view, once for a north-up view showing
the moons, and once for an inverted "closeup" using the Schiaparelli
map. (Note the three instances of Guide shown on the toolbar.) I
made a few other customizations in each window, such as chopping
out irrelevant or redundant legend text and removing toolbars, switching
back and forth between them. Then I hit the Print Screen key and
pasted the result into PaintShop Pro.
Ideally, the three could communicate with one another so that
the wide-field would have a rectangle indicating the intermediate
field, and that one would have a rectangle indicating the closeup
field. Or it might be possible to "synch" them so that recentering
one would recenter the others. Not having engineered that in from
the beginning, I doubt it would be very feasible right now.
However, I think Patrick's after something a bit different: the
ability to set certain parameters, such as inversion, on a level
by level basis, rather than a global one. That _could_ get very
confusing, when you zoom in one level and everything suddenly
turns upside down. Most of the "level customization" people want
to do is handled by things such as being able to specify that
object class X is shown between thus-and-such fields of view.
But at least right now, you can't tell Guide to always invert
the field of view in a particular way when going past a particular
zoom level.
-- Bill