PJ Anway Aug 30, 2003
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 10:05:07 -0500
> From: Bill J Gray <pluto@...>
> Subject: Inverted planets
> Pat Anway wrote:
> "...Is there a way to invert the view of the planets and moon to match
> the view in your scope, without inverting the view of the charts?"
> Hmmm... perhaps I'm not following what you mean here. Are you
> thinking of hitting a switch that would cause (say) Mars to be flipped
> over, perhaps with its moons as well, while the stars stay where
> they were? Why would you want to do this? I guess what I'm getting
> at is: what are you looking for that's not provided in the current
> Inversion menu? What's supposed to remain "uninverted"?
> -- Bill