Regarding Jan's inquiry about "logical hotkeys for a language" vs.
"keeping the hotkeys as they are in English": I think I can offer
a simple way to keep both groups happy.
Right now, in English, Guide has "Display" hooked into the Alt-Y
hotkey. As a result, line 924 of STRINGS.DAT reads:
Jean-Noel Moreau, who did the French version of Guide, translated
this to:
Affichage &y
In the next version I post, the text will be:
Aff&ichage &y
By default, Guide will use the second '&' and ignore the first, so it
will appear as Jean-Noel intended. Hit Shift-F3, however, and Guide
will eliminate '&y' and use the '&i' instead. So (if you wish to) a given
language can run using either set of hotkeys.
If you try the French version, by the way, you'll see why this matters.
The extra characters at the end of a line result in a very odd-looking
menu bar!
I can't post this fix quite yet, because I _almost_ (but not quite)
have the 'satellite pass list' capability working the way I want it to.
Regarding contrast of FITS images: I just tried the Shift-F8 method,
and it worked correctly... dunno why it would be failing! There is another
method that may be even better: using the Alt-Arrow keys to adjust
contrast and brightness. This is described at:
As is also described there, you can turn on four toolbar buttons to
adjust brightness/contrast as well.
-- Bill