Hill sphere, etc.
Bill J Gray Aug 27, 2003
Hi Ray,
Those Hill sphere radii are given in units of planet radius = 1.
Not a great idea, eh? All that data was essentially cobbled together,
in toto, by Chris Wolfe, a few years back. Most of it came from
JPL's _Horizons_ system, which can provide a brief summary of
data for a given object. We didn't play around with the raw data
very much.
In theory, you ought to be able to get similar data for the Earth
by selecting your "home planet" as, say, Mars or the Moon,
then right-clicking on the Earth and asking for "more info". But I
just checked, and it looks as if we did every planet except the
Earth. I'll see if I can correct that (should be a matter of getting
the summary data from Horizons, then stuffing it into 'planets.not'.)
-- Bill