Grids not redrawing?
brettn048 Aug 20, 2003
I have only been using Guide for a couple of months, so if this has
an obvious answer, please bear with me.
In troubleshooting my Guide8 DSC setup, I am finding that sometimes
the grid lines don't seem to be updating with Animation running.
To duplicate the problem, first have the Legend set to include both
RA/Dec and Alt/Az coordinates.
Turn on Grids (and Side Labels if you want), and set both
to 'Alt/Az'. Select a level that gives a 15 or 16 minute field of
view. Then, in the Animation box, choose 'Locked on: RA/Dec', set
the time step size to a second or two and start Animation running.
With the cursor sitting in the center of the screen, in the Legend
you should see the Alt/Az value of the cursor changing a bit at each
time step. However the Alt/Az grids are not getting updated. Only
when you left-click do you get them redrawn to match the cursor.
If you reverse the situation with the Grids set to 'Equatorial'
(RA/Dec) and lock the Animation on the horizon (Alt/Az), the grid
does get redrawn at each time step. It looks like the grid gets
redrawn only if the stars are also.
Am I missing something here?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Brett Nordgren