Re: [guide-user] Right clicking on wrong object

Laurent Zimmermann Aug 11, 2003

Hi Lawrence,

> If you are in a wide field view, you can right-click on an object and
> quickly get its data. If you are in a narrow view, you frequently
> cannot do this because Guide selects every star but the object itself
> (eg an NGC or M object). Using the 'next' facility is OK but even
> so.... in a zoomed in mode, you could die of old age waiting to reach
> the required object.

Usually Guide identifies the target very quickly. The only exception is for
large objects (e.g. Veil Nebula), but that is rather normal because in that
case I probably click rather far from the right point. For example, Guide
identifies M92 at the first click, whatever the zoom level (I click near the
center of the symbol).
Or perhaps your screen is crowded with stars, deep sky objects and user data
sets ?

Laurent Zimmermann