Re: [guide-user] Re: Location from list or eclipse map?

R Shapp Aug 10, 2003

Hi Bill,

<<One can find the locations you mention... but you have to be a bit more

It would be really useful in this search entry box as well as all others if
Guide would accept partial (truncated) names. E.G., "vale" would return a
list of all locations that begin with those letters. I often am not sure of
exact spellings, therefore I'd like to specify only the part of the name I
think I know. "andro" would find Andromeda (possibly among other "andro"s.
"cass" would find Cassiopeia, etc. Of course, these search terms should be
case insensitive.

I would use this feature most often in Go To | Object Name, but It would be
useful in all other searches where guide doesn't already offer a complete list
of items it stores in the selected category.

Thanks for considering.

Ray Shapp