Andrea Pelloni Aug 5, 2003

Hello Bill, yesterday I received my 3 CD-ROMs with UCAC2, and copied all of
them in the directory D:\UCAC2
Then I downloaded from your page http://www.projectpluto.com/ucac2.htm the
file click here to download source code for final UCAC2
ucac2.zip and installed the 4 files
in the Guide Directory (I have ALL GUIDE8 installed on my C: HD).
Then I put this info in the guide.dat file:

Nothing happens.
I changed the line in
U2_PATH=D:\UCAC2\ because the USNOA.2 line is identified as A2, but stll
nothing happened.
I was in fear of this, because from your page I understand that UCAC2
doesn't work in Windows, but only in DOS/Windows.
Is it right?
If so, do you think you'll change the effect making Windows capable to show
the UCAC2 stars, possibly identifying then in a different way from GSC and
Due to the problem that UCAC2 has no stars brighter than mag 8, could it be
possible, when using UCAC2, to have a kind of filter that could allow to
show the GSC stars up to mag 8 included only, eliminating from the screen
the dimmer stars, that will be shown instead with UCAC2? This to avoid the
missing of brightest stars, that would make difficult the field
acknowledgment, and moreover to avoid all the stars becoming double (one
from GSC, the other from UCAC2) or triple, if we have installed USNOA.2 too.
Thank you Bill for your patience


Andrea Pelloni
ARA- Associazione Romana Astrofili
(Roman Amateur Astronomers Association)
Organizers of MACE 2004
157 Frasso Sabino Observatory
RHP SpaceGuard Team

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