Re: Mosaicking, and more generally...

Josch Hambsch Jul 22, 2003

Hi Bill and others,

since I brought up this question recently, I also think that your
suggestion would be even an improvement on the original idea of just
mosaicking. I also never used the feature you decribed and look
forward to your new implementation.

I guess it will be anyway a new iteration to a even better product if
ones implemented what you suggested.

I also would consider this possibility interesting for a larger group
of Guide users than only the CCD freaks.

Great idea Bill.

Best regards,


--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@p...> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> A late reply about mosaicking: I've been pondering this idea,
> and may want to generalize it as follows. Please realize that
> this is in the nature of brainstorming; I'm coming up with an
> ideal solution, one that will doubtless require some pruning!
> ......
> People have occasionally asked for multiple user object lists.
> That would become much more important with these proposed changes.
> Okay, I've blathered on enough. Any comments?
> -- Bill